
The Real Bright Green Hand-Waving Heretics Out There. Posted by Alex Steffen, Worldchanging.com, May 28, 2008. "The discussions we see today -- whether we're talking energy sources, farming practices or fashion choices -- are not even the right kind of debate. Unable to mentally grapple with the idea that we need to be aiming for total sustainability right now, we talk to death the same series of inadequate baby steps. Faced with the need to reinvent the material basis of our civilization, we argue paper or plastic. If you want truly dangerous bright green ideas, go way out beyond what the conventional wisdom thinks is possible... Think, instead, of the implications of ideas like zero energy, zero emissions, zero waste, closed loops, true-cost accounting for the value of ecological services, product-service systems, visible flows, totally transparent backstories, open innovation, green infrastructure, etc... There is an emerging culture of real, bright green hand-waving brilliant heretics out there, and the reading public deserves to know what they think."

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