
Republicans' Show Their True Colors on Climate Change. Posted by Kate Sheppard, Grist, June 5, 2008. "Republican leaders essentially shut down the Senate Wednesday during what was supposed to be a time of debate on the Climate Security Act, forcing clerks to read the entire 492-page bill aloud. Republicans said the maneuver -- which sucked up nine hours -- was a protest against the Democratic majority's slow pace in considering President Bush's judicial nominations. By the time the reading wrapped up near 10 last night, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was livid. '[Climate change] is the most critical issue of our time,' [he said]. 'The American people have a right to have their Congress address this issue.' Reid read from what he described as a leaked strategy email [PDF] from a GOP lobbyist, which urged the party's senators to stall productive debate as long as possible in hopes of scoring 'political points' against the Democrats... 'You couldn't make up anything more cynical... So Reid said he would call for a cloture vote... Thursday or Friday, without substantive debate of amendments... In all likelihood, the cloture vote will mean death for the most serious climate bill ever taken up by the full Senate."

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