Spy Satellite To Monitor Illegal Logging. By Ben Russell, London Independent, June 17, 2008. "A spy satellite is to be trained on the vast rainforests of central Africa as part of a British project designed to protect them from illegal logging... The £1m high-resolution camera will beam images of the Congo Basin Rainforest to a new ground station... The equipment, which can photograph objects as small as 10 metres across, will hover 400 miles above the rainforest... A £1.5m satellite ground station will also be built in the region as part of an £8m package of measures to be announced today to prevent dangerous deforestation in the region... The new initiative will be unveiled at the launch of a global fund... [that is] part of an £800m initiative... to be chaired by Wangari Maathai, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who founded the Kenyan Green Belt Movement... Paul Martin, the former Canadian prime minister, will also jointly chair the fund."

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