
U.S. Urges G8 to Support Global Warming Fund. By Yuri Kageyama, AP, June 13, 2008. "U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urged other Group of Eight industrialized nations Friday to back a special fund of up to $10 billion to help developing countries fight global warming. Paulson appeared with his counterparts from Japan and Britain, and World Bank Group President Robert Zoellick, to encourage G-8 nations to back the Climate Investment Funds... The fund, administered by the World Bank, will go partly for help with developing technology to boost energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, he said. The G-8 session , bringing together finance ministers from the U.S., Japan, Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada , is one of several ministerial meetings leading up to the July 7-9 leaders' summit on the northern island of Hokkaido."

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