
U.S. Coal Industry Continues Well-Funded Campaign to Derail Climate Bill. By Stephen Foley, London Independent, June 3, 2008. "U.S. businesses have spent tens of millions... trying to kill the... proposed... 'cap-and-trade' [bill] -- even before [it] hit the floor of the Senate for discussion yesterday... Last year, the [coal] industry quadrupled the budget of Americans for Balanced Energy Choices, [a] lobby group that helps fund America's Power, and its own trade association was given a 20% increase in spending power to $19.7 million... America's Power is running ads promoting cleaner coal as a solution... The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a free market lobby group, The Club for Growth, meanwhile, has been running more arresting [ads]... John Engler, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, said the proposals in the current bill amounted to 'economic disarmament,' and The Club for Growth ads take up this theme, asking: 'Are the unproven benefits of legislation worth the major job losses?' The Chamber of Commerce commercials feature suburban families unable to heat their homes, wearing scarves indoors, cooking over candles, and running -- rather than driving -- to work. It asks: 'Is this really how Americans want to live?'"

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