Waiting for Rain, New Zealand Faces Power Crisis. By Barbara McMahon, London Guardian, June 10, 2008. "New Zealanders are to be urged to wash dishes by hand and turn off lights as the country teeters on the brink of a power crisis caused by drought. After two years of dry weather, the level of water in lakes that drive New Zealand's hydroelectric power plants is worryingly low. The energy minister, David Parker, denied claims the country was facing rolling power cuts but said households would be asked to cut electricity consumption by up to 15% during peak early evening periods unless there was 'significant' rainfall soon... Backed by the government, the electricity industry is to launch a TV campaign aimed at domestic, commercial and industrial users. The prime minister, Helen Clark, said: 'I think the advice will be that while it's not an emergency, it is time for people to be turning off lights in rooms they are not using, certainly not leaving the computer on all night, the heated towel rail not on for 24 hours a day'... The last time there was a serious power shortage in New Zealand was in 1992... The public was also asked to save power in 2001, 2003 and 2006 but each time rain came soon enough to head off any serious problems."

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