
West Virginian Dems Vote Down Mountaintop Removal Ban. By Veronica Nett, Charleston Gazette, June 15, 2008. "Delegates at the Democratic State Convention narrowly voted down a resolution Saturday that supported a freeze on new permits for mountaintop removal sites. The final vote on the Healthy Jobs, Healthy Communities, and Healthy Mountains Resolution 215 to 190... Nick Busch, a Wirt County delegate, said the vote doesn't reflect delegates' true feelings about the issue. 'You won't find a person here that supports mountaintop removal,' said Busch, who voted against the resolution. More than 56 percent of West Virginians are opposed to mountaintop removal, compared to just 29 percent that support it, according to a 2004 survey conducted... for the Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment. Busch said it failed because delegates were concerned it would cost the party the presidential election. He said the Republican Party would say Democrats were trying to take jobs out of the state. State party chairman Nick Casey said the issues brought up by the resolution are better addressed by the courts that the Party."

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