Western States and Canadian Provinces Meet to Draft Environmental Policy. Salt Lake Deseret Morning News, June 2, 2008. "Energy officials from Utah, several other Western states and Canadian provinces were in Salt Lake City recently to meet with stakeholders and discuss details of the Western Climate Initiative. The group's committee released draft policies that outline its market-based plan to reduce the smokestack and tailpipe pollution that energy officials say leads to climate change... The group is a collaborative effort between the governors of Arizona, California, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington; and the premiers of Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba and Quebec. It has set a regional, economy-wide greenhouse gas pollution target of 15% below 2005 levels by 2020, or approximately 33% below business-as-usual levels. The group's cap-and-trade system will be the first in the West to reward major companies for cutting their global warming pollution by capping greenhouse gas emissions."

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