The Case For and Against Nuclear Power. By Michael Totty, WSJ, June 30, 2008, subscription. "NUCLEAR'S THE ANSWER... One of the biggest dangers to our security is from oil nations providing support to anti-U.S. terrorist groups. The faster we can move away from carbon-based energy, the faster we take away that funding source. Nuclear energy offers [for reasons spelled out in article] the fastest and most direct path to that safer future... NO TO NUCLEAR... If nuclear power really were able to make a big dent in greenhouse emissions, then it would be worth the time and resources necessary to address all these problems [spelled out in the article]. Instead, though, the magnitude of these difficulties will keep any nuclear renaissance too small to make a difference, and will require expensive government support just to achieve modest gains. Those resources are better spent elsewhere." [Editor's Note: Readers unable to access the full article can request it -- and other such article -- from CCC by return email.]

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