GM Presses Ahead with Chevy Volt. By Soyoung Kim and Kevin Krolicki, Reuters, July 7, 2008. "General Motors is rushing to finish the production version of its Chevy Volt and plans to unveil a showroom-ready model of the heavily touted electric car in September, people familiar with the project say. Battered by a deepening slump in sales and concerns about whether it can ride out the downturn, GM is counting on the Volt to break its costly association with gas-guzzling vehicles at a time when truck sales are tumbling and gas prices are near record levels. GM is likely to complete the production version of the Volt by early August... as it pushes toward production of the vehicle by late 2010 under a development plan the GM board approved in June... GM is racing Toyota Motor Corp to bring the first plug-in car to the marketplace... Two suppliers have been in the running to provide lithium-ion batteries for the Volt: A unit of Korea's LG Chem... and German auto parts supplier Continental AG... The Volt marks one of the first attempts to adapt lithium-ion batteries, widely used in consumer electronics, for a car, although Toyota and others are pressing ahead with their own work on the same technology."

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