
Compromise Reached over Texas Coal Plant. By Timothy Gardner, Reuters, August 4, 2008. "Environmental groups have dropped opposition to the expansion of an NRG Energy Texas coal plant after the company agreed to offset some of the unit's greenhouse gas emissions. Under the agreement, the NRG Limestone 3 plant near Houston would offset or sock underground half of its [CO2] emissions until the U.S. launches a federal climate change program. NRG will build or support the development of a utility scale solar power project in Texas as part of the agreement, or contribute to a trust that would fund Texas energy efficiency projects. The utility came to the agreement with... Environmental Defense and the Texas Clean Air Cities Coalition... In addition, NRG will not build another coal-fueled power plant in Texas unless the plant uses efficient technologies such as gasification of coal or ultra-supercritical, which burns pulverized coal, and agrees to offset or bury half of its [CO2] emissions. Currently, the… plant generates over 1,700 MW of base-load generating capacity, enough to supply power to more than 1 million households."

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