
German Firm to Extend South Korean Solar Energy Plant. AFP, August 12, 2008. "A German firm said [yesterday] it has signed a deal to extend a South Koreansolar energy plant which is already Asia's largest. Conergy said in a statement it has reached a framework agreement on a $29.8 million project to expand the plant at Sinan in the southwest of the country. The extension is expected to be completed by year-end and will add 4.35 megawatts to the existing 19.6 MW capacity of the plant, which became fully operational in June... When the extension is completed the plant will cover an area of 720,000 square metres, equivalent to 96 football fields, and will provide enough energy to supply 7,200 households... Last month the government announced plans to spend 194.4 billion won (188 million dollars) this year on developing solar and wind energy and hydrogen fuel cells, following sharp price increases for imported oil and coal."

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