
Ohio Utility Agrees to Settlement. By Wendy Mitchell, Ledger Independent [Maysville, KY], August 13, 2008. "On Aug. 7, [Dayton Power & Light] announced a consent decree had been filed… settling… Sierra Club claims alleging violations of the Clean Air Act… [at its 2,400-megawatt, coal-fired] Stuart Station, located along the Ohio River…near Aberdeen, Ohio. [The plant] is co-owned by DP&L, Duke Energy and American Electric Power… Under the… settlement, the co-owners agree to target certain emissions, [including nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and particulate matter,[and] depending on approval from the Ohio Public Utilities Commission… [DP&L] also agreed to make commitments to energy efficiency and renewable energy goals. A third party nonprofit agency will also be given $200,000 for a solar water heater rebate program… The… terms have yet to be approved by the District Court, which is expected after a 45-day public comment period and a review by the EPA and [Justice] Department."

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