Save-A-What? By John Murawski, Raleigh News & Observer, August 18, 2008. "Duke Energy's CEO James Rogers is set to… present [to the North Carolina utilities commission] the company's vision for leading the nation in a quest to create a 'de-carbonized' economy [though] the Charlotte utility, which operates in five states, is one of the nation's biggest sources of CO2. Rogers' testimony follows a week of contentious hearings… [in which] about 20 experts and officials debated the technical aspects of the Charlotte utility's [Save-a-Watt] proposal… [which has been] branded by critics as a rip-off… Even as Duke pushes ahead, the utility's lawyers are privately proposing a compromise with opponents, including the state Attorney General's Office, the Southern Environmental Law Center and the Public Staff, this state's consumer protection agency in utility rate cases. The terms of the settlement proposed last month are confidential. Duke also is negotiating over Save-a-Watt in other states where the efficiency program is facing opposition."

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