California's Recently-Passed Sprawl Bill Caught in Budget Bottleneck. Posted by Earl K., ClimateProgress, September 10, 2008. "The California Assembly and Senate have passed legislation that would encourage local communities to control sprawl. This is seen as critical to California achieving its cap on greenhouse gas emissions (reducing them to 1990 levels by 2020 -- a 30% cut)... [Under the new] law... transportation planners [will have to] adopt a 'sustainable communities strategy'. The California Air Resources Board will set 2020 and 2035 targets for each region of the state by 2010, and regional authorities would be required to take these targets into account when developing regional plans. The legislation would steer public funds away from sprawling development, with projects that meet climate goals getting priority for the $20 billion a year spent on transportation. The bill has not yet been signed by Governor Schwarzenegger, who has said he will not sign any bills until California's budget impasse is resolved. California is one of only three states that requires a two-thirds majority to pass a budget in the legislature, and the Republican minority each year causes delays. This year's delay is a record, caused by the rancor over how to close a $15-17 billion shortfall. [The sprawl bill] is one of approximately 870... [awaiting] the Governor's signature. The budget was due on June 30th."

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