
EU Takes Step to Put Hydrogen Vehicles on Europe's Road. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development, September 4, 2008. "The EU parliament on Wednesday took a significant step towards the introduction of hydrogen-powered cars on Europe's roads, calling for common criteria for the environmentally friendly technology. The... compromise... hammered out by the EU member states... passed almost unanimously [and] is expected to receive the final [approval]... soon... Currently there are no uniform requirements for hydrogen vehicles in Europe, posing problems for [marketing them]... 'With the adoption of EU-wide criteria, the E.U. can establish itself now ahead of global research and ensure investment security for market access...' said British conservative MEP Malcolm Harbour... The Euro MPs also stressed the need... [for] hydrogen filling stations, essential to the success of the technology and currently very rare in Europe. When used as fuel, either in combustion motors or in fuel-cell systems, hydrogen does not produce any carbon emissions, though care will have to be taken that the production of hydrogen itself does not lead to an increase in CO2 emissions."

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