Sahara Solar Scheme Could Power Poor West Africa.By Kwasi Kpodo, Reuters, September 24, 2008. "West African legislators worried by climate change and soaring energy costs want regional leaders to back plans to harness sun and wind energy that experts say could bring electricity to some of the poorest people on earth. NASA scientists have identified a site in the Sahara desert in northern Niger as the sunniest piece of land in the world. 'We have the natural resource -- enough sunshine that can supply our total power requirements,' Kwame Ampofo, an energy expert and a member of Ghana's parliament, told Reuters late on Tuesday after legislators from the region discussed the project. The meeting, held in electricity-hungry Ghana beside one of the biggest hydropower lakes in the world, urged regional leaders to form a West African Renewable Energy Community to promote sustainable power projects. West Africa's richest country, Nigeria, is the continent's top oil producer but many of its people lack reliable power. Sub-Saharan Africans have the lowest average power consumption in the world, and just one in four have access to electricity."

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