Sarah Palin's Alaska Pipeline Dream Not Yet a Reality. By Gary Jacobson, Dallas News, September 5, 2008. "Gov. Sarah Palin boasted this week that she stood up to Big Oil in advancing a decades-old ambition to bring natural gas to the Lower 48. But experts say she'll have to sit down with the oil giants if she wants her pipeline dream to become a reality... Doug Reynolds, an oil and gas economist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, said the governor has given the natural gas pipeline project new momentum. But her deal with TransCanada Alaska Co. to build the pipeline is useless unless there is also a deal with gas-producing companies to fill it, he said. 'We don't have an agreement. We don't have anything,' Dr. Reynolds said. Irving-based ExxonMobil, Houston-based ConocoPhillips and Britain's BP, the main Alaska energy producers, have huge stakes in any natural gas pipeline from Alaska's North Slope."

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