
E.U. Calls on All Nations to Set GHG Targets by Mid-Year. By Jennifer Rankin,EuropeanVoices, March 3, 2009. "The European Union will call on other developed countries to set greenhouse-gas targets by the middle of this year, a meeting of the bloc's environment ministers decided yesterday (March 2). The declaration is an attempt to step up pressure on other wealthy nations, as the world prepares to negotiate a global deal on climate change at the end of the year. The EU has pledged to cut its emissions by 20% by 2020 and promised to increase this target to 30% if other countries join in. At yesterday's meeting in Brussels, the environment ministers of the 27 EU states re-confirmed their 30% target and called on other developed countries to come up with plans for emission limitations or reductions as soon as possible and no later than the middle of the year."

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