
Ford Plans Vehicles to Interact With Power Grids. By Matthew Dolan, WSJ, August 19, 2009. "Ford Motor Co. is launching an in-vehicle technology to let its customers recharge electric cars when energy rates are low. The 'smart' charging concept announced Tuesday is key for all auto makers that are pursuing electric vehicles in a variety of forms, from plug-in gas-electric hybrids to fully electric cars and trucks that use no gasoline... Car companies say that in order for electrified cars to be accepted widely, the companies must steer customers away from sapping too much power from the electric grid during peak hours -- which could be cost-prohibitive and threaten the grid's stability. They also want consumers to be able to charge their cars quickly and at the most efficient times. Developing an electric vehicle was relatively easy compared with working with 'our partners at energy providers,' Bill Ford, the auto maker's executive chairman... There are more than 3,000 utility companies... The touch-screen technology will allow the car owner to program how to recharge the vehicle, even delaying the recharge for the middle of the night or choosing to tap renewable energy generated by wind or sun. A similar system is expected to be used when General Motors Co.'s Chevy introduces its plug-in Volt car late next year, a company spokesman said."

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