
Maine Gov. and FERC Sign Tidal Power Agreement. By Kevin Miller, Bangor Daily News, August 20, 2009. "Gov. John Baldacci and the head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission signed an agreement Wednesday pledging to coordinate the regulatory reviews of tidal power projects off the coast of Maine. The agreement, which Baldacci signed during a meeting with FERC chairman Jon Wellinghoff in Washington, D.C., aims to improve the regulatory review process by coordinating procedures and schedules. It also would potentially allow for expedited processing of applications for pilot projects involving tidal power technology... There is considerable interest in tapping into Maine's powerful tides as part of the official goal of making renewable power a greater portion of the state's energy mix. But the technology for large-scale tidal power projects is still under development. 'Tidal energy is where wind [energy] was 20 years ago,' said Dana Murch, supervisor of dams and hydropower projects for the Maine Department of Environmental Protection."

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