
Startup Connect Social Networking with Carpooling. By Colin Sullivan, Greenwire, July 29, 2009. "A free Facebook application launched by a pair of entrepreneurs to help college students bum rides at Cornell University has expanded into a viable Silicon Valley startup, counting as clients more than 30 college campuses... The company's co-founders, John Zimmer and Logan Green, both 25 years old, are serious about bumming rides and the environmental credentials that come with the territory. Green, a self-proclaimed transportation geek, started the first ride-share program at the University of California, Santa Barbara, before partnering with Zimmer, a Cornell graduate who left Lehman Brothers in 2008 to pursue carpooling full-time. Backed by $250,000 in seed money from Facebook, Zimmer and Green over the last year have built their software business into a company with six full-time employees, notching deals with Wal-Mart and Cigna along the way. The company has also teamed with the car-share outfit Zipcar to match riders with car renters in major cities."

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