600 Groups Sign Letter Requesting 5% of Carbon Allowance Revenue For Protecting Natural Resources. By Noelle Straub, Greenwire, September 20, 2009. "A coalition of nearly 600 conservation, outdoor and recreation groups is calling on the Senate to dedicate billions of dollars in a climate change bill to wildlife and natural resources threatened by global warming. The groups are delivered a letter to senators on September 15th asking for legislation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and dedicates 5 percent of the total allowance value to federal, state and tribal agencies to take actions needed to conserve natural resources. Although estimates remain difficult, 5% of allowances could be worth anywhere from $3 billion to $5 billion annually. 'Climate change poses an immediate and profound threat to the healthy natural systems that provide us with drinking water, flood protection, food, medicine, timber, recreational opportunities, scenic beauty, jobs, and numerous other services,' the groups wrote. 'Local, state, federal, and tribal fish, wildlife and land managers are critically short of funding needed to effectively respond to the combination of these challenges.' The more than 40 national groups that signed the letter [PDF, 8 pp] include Defenders of Wildlife, the National Wildlife Federation, the Wilderness Society, the National Parks Conservation Association and the Nature Conservancy. The remaining groups include regional and local conservation, outdoor, hunting and fishing, recreation and faith groups."

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