
British First Experiments with Employee Carbon Rationing Scheme. By Ben Webster, London Times, September 14, 2009. "WSP, the global engineering consultancy, has been conducting the rationing scheme among 80 of its British employees for almost two years. In the first year the overall carbon footprint of participants fell by 10%. The company is discussing its scheme with several FTSE 100 companies… The rationing scheme monitors employees' personal emissions, including home energy bills, petrol purchases and holiday flights. Employees are required to submit quarterly reports detailing their consumption. They are also set a target, which reduces each year, for the amount of carbon they can emit. Those who exceed their ration pay a fine for every kilogram they emit over the limit. The money is deducted from their pay and the level of the fine is printed on payslips. Those who consume less than their ration are rewarded at the same rate per kilogram."

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