Canada's Wind Industry Aims High; Seeks Support. By Susan Taylor and Nicole Mordant, Reuters, September 22, 2009. "Canada's wind energy sector has the lofty goal of supplying 20% of the country's electricity by 2025, but that target is out of reach without better financial and policy support, say industry executives. There is more than mounting concern for the environment at stake, said wind companies attending the Canadian Wind Energy Association conference in Toronto last week. Canada must bolster its wind business now because the cost of power from aging coal- and natural gas-fired generators is likely to climb with a move to carbon taxes, while the economic of wind energy are seen improving. Moreover, Canada can capitalize on a rich geographical resource. A coastline that stretches more than 240,000 km (150,000 miles) and expansive stretches of open prairie land are ideal locations for wind generators. 'Canada has a lot of opportunities. It's got a great wind resource. It has a large hydro installed base... Hydro and wind complement each other very nicely,' said Vic Abate, vice-president of General Electric Co's renewable energy unit. Hydroelectric power can help to offset the variability of wind speeds…Today, wind energy production accounts for just 1% of electricity demand in Canada, which has the world's sixth largest electricity system. The bulk of Canada's electricity -- around 59% -- is by hydroelectric. Some 17% is coal-fired, 16% comes from nuclear reactors and 5% from natural gas, according to Environment Canada…To generate that kind of power will cost a projected C$132 billion ($122 billion) and require about 22,000 wind turbines installed in 450 locations across the country."

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