Climate Bill' for $2 Trillion to Cover Value of Projected Emissions Allowances Presented to Danish Chair of Copenhagen Summit. Press Release, Climate Justice Action, September 28, 2009. "Environmental activists, some dressed as 'Trillionaires for Bad Math' today delivered a 'climate bill' to Copenhagen, ahead of schedule. The mock 'bill' was delivered at a 3 pm lecture at Columbia University's School of International Public Affairs hosted by Danish Climate and Energy minister Connie Hedegaard. Hedegaard is the chairperson of the UN climate summit to be held in Copenhagen this December, where many hope that a strong global climate agreement will be signed. Representatives of groups including Climate SOS and Rising Tide North America presented a 14-foot banner representing the climate bill currently being debated in the US Congress, which many consider essential for strong US participation in Copenhagen. The banner depicts a two trillion dollar note, representing the size of the new market in carbon dioxide emissions allowances that would be established by the Waxman-Markey climate bill that passed the House of Representatives in late June. The centerpiece of the banner is an image of a bewildered Al Gore, who introduced the concept of tradable emissions allowances into the UN process in Kyoto in 1997. Hundreds of environmental groups are critical of the current US climate bill. Many view the bill's cap and trade provisions as a dangerous false solution, that is inherently unstable and ultimately incapable of reducing carbon dioxide emissions."

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