German Cabinet Approves Massive Expansion of Offshore Wind Farms. Der Spiegel, September 18, 2009. "On Wednesday, Germany's cabinet approved plans to dedicate special zones off its northern coast to house up to 40 offshore windparks that could provide electricity to over eight million households. The plan involves setting aside zones between 12 and 200 kilometers (seven and 124 miles) off its northern shores. Of the 40 wind farms, 30 would be in the North Sea and 10 in the Baltic Sea. Of these, 25 have already received approval -- 22 in the North Sea and three in the Baltic Sea. In total, the plan envisions German offshore wind parks holding up to 2,500 wind turbines. German Federal Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee also said that the plan could create about 30,000 jobs. According to ministry statements, the wind farms should generate around 12,000 megawatts by 2030. In strong winds, this would be equivalent to the energy generated by 12 medium-sized nuclear plants. 'From our planned farms in the North Sea alone, we could provide 6.8 million additional homes with electricity,' Tiefensee told reporters, adding that the farms in the Baltic Sea could provide energy for 1.5 million more households. The plan is meant to double the current amount of energy supplied by wind in Germany to 12% by 2020. The country's national climate protection targets envision it satisfying 30% of its energy needs using renewable resources by 2030."

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