
India Projects a Tripling of CO2 Emissions by 2031. By Hari Kumar, NYTimes, September 2, 2009. "India released an analysis on Wednesday projecting that its emissions of greenhouse gases in 2031 will be triple today's, although well below the global average on a per-capita basis. The report is part of India's attempt to stake out a bargaining stance before the Copenhagen climate summit in December. There, India and China are likely to face pressure to accept limits on their greenhouse emissions... 'Our per-capita emissions will never exceed the per capita emissions of developed countries' said Jairam Ramesh, India's minister of environment and forests, in releasing the report... The studies projected India's population at 1.5 billion in 2031. [The population density of India recently passed that of Japan.] India is asking for financial assistance and technology transfers from developed countries to help it curtail emissions."

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