Lieberman Pushing for More Coal and Nuclear Funding in Climate Bill. By Lisa Lerer, Politico, September 21, 2009. "Sen. Joe Lieberman alienated a lot of Democrats last year when he campaigned for John McCain and dismissed Barack Obama as a 'talker' rather than a leader. He may be on the verge of doing it again. In an effort to resuscitate some version of the House climate change bill in the Senate, the Connecticut independent is trying to get Republicans and moderate Democrats on board by adding money for coal power and nuclear plants -- changes that would infuriate many of the bill's liberal supporters. 'I don't think we're going to [pass a bill] without bipartisan support,' Lieberman told POLITICO last week. 'And without a nuclear title that's stronger than in the House climate change legislation, we're not going to be able to get enough votes to pass climate change.' Lieberman's staff has been meeting quietly with staffers for well over than a dozen senators on both sides of the aisle to draft provisions that would increase funding for coal and nuclear power plants."

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