
A Message From Van Jones. Grist, September 16, 2009. "Dear Friends: My family and I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support that we have received over the past week or so. I resigned from the White House on Sept. 6, and I have remained silent since then -- in keeping with my promise not to be a distraction during a key moment in the Obama Presidency... The main thing is this: please do everything you can to support both President Obama and the green jobs movement. Winning real change is ultimately the best response to these kinds of smear campaigns: 1) Support President Obama's efforts to fix our nation's health care, energy and education systems... 2) Sign up to support groups that are working for green jobs. 3) Spread the green jobs gospel. The ideas and ideals of the green jobs movement are grounded in fundamental American values -- innovation, entrepreneurship, and equal opportunity. My true thoughts can be found in my book: The Green Collar Economy. 4) Stay connected and speak up for me via your favorite blogs... Supporters have set up a couple of them, to help you stay engaged, including: I Stand With Van Jones and I Love Van Jones... In due course, I will be offering my perspective on what has happened -- including correcting the record about false charges. In the meantime, I must get my family affairs in order and sort through numerous offers and options... These are historic times. And we have a lot more history to make. Sincerely, Van Jones"

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