
The 'No Impact Man'. By Michelle Nichols, Reuters, September 3, 2009. "Colin Beavan so despaired at a lack of political action on climate change that he decided to see what difference he could make by living for a year with as little impact on the environment as possible. Beavan and his reluctant wife, Michelle Conlin, drastically changed their lifestyle, doing their best not to create trash, cause carbon dioxide emissions or pour toxins into the water supply and by buying only local produce. The New Yorkers rode bikes to get places, walked up and down the nine flights of stairs to their apartment and cooked meals with food from a local farmers market. They also got rid of their television and bought no new clothes for themselves or their 18-month-old daughter Isabella. Six months into the year, came the most dramatic step -- they switched off the electricity... 'We jumped in without knowing what we were doing,' said Beavan,a writer for BusinessWeek. Beavan has described his experiences in a book, No Impact Man." Green Like Me. Review of Beavan's book, by Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, August 31, 2009.

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