
Oxfam: Poor Countries Could Face Dire Consequences If Aid Funding is Diverted to Climate Change Adaptation. Oxfam,September 16, 2009. "A new Oxfam report has today warned that at least 4.5 million children could die unless world leaders deliver additional funds to help poor countries fight the growing impact of climate change, rather than diverting it from existing aid promises. The warning comes as world leaders prepare to join President Obama at his first United Nations address on climate change, at next week's Climate Summit in New York on 22nd September. The meeting will be followed by the G20 Summit [in Pittsburgh] on the 24th September, where climate finance will be high on the agenda. With only Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK in support of additional funds, Oxfam is concerned that December's climate negotiations in Copenhagen could fail, unless action is taken now by Heads of State. The report, Beyond Aid [PDF, 32 pp], also warns that at least 75 million fewer children are likely to attend school and 8.6 million fewer people could have access to HIV/AIDS treatment if aid is diverted to help poor countries tackle climate change. Without at least $50 billion a year in addition to the 0.7% of national income rich countries have already pledged as aid, recent progress toward the Millennium Development Goals could stall and then go into reverse… 'Funds must be increased -- not diverted -- to help poor countries adapt to climate change and this cannot be seen as a two for one deal by politicians.' [according to] Jeremy Hobbs Executive Director, Oxfam International."

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