
Van Jones, 'Green Jobs' Czar, Resigns Under Pressure. By Ryan Grim, HuffPost, September 7, 2009. "Van Jones, under fire from the extremist television show host for his background in radical activism, has resigned from the administration. Jones was Special Adviser for Green Jobs at the Council on Environmental Quality -- the so-called 'Green Jobs' Czar. Jones' 2008 book, The Green Collar Economy, was a New York Times best-seller. The saga began with Glenn Beck, a talk show host for Fox News, who hammered at Jones relentlessly the last several weeks for his radical past. Jones never denied his past affiliation with the radical left. In the '90s... Jones, however, left radical politics and made the decision to work within the system... For Beck, however, Jones' past statements were evidence that Obama is secretly marshaling a cadre of lieutenants pushing an agenda that is 'radical, revolutionary and in some cases Marxist.'"

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