Why I Still Oppose Genetically Modified Crops. Commentary by Verlyn Klinkenborg, YaleEnviro360, September 17, 2009. "This is a deeply troubling time for agriculture, as even a quick scan of the headlines reveals. Soaring food prices in the poorest parts of the world, soaring profits in the richest, ongoing -- and wholly unnecessary -- subsidies, growing competition between food and non-food crops, the list goes on and on. To Americans, the continued resistance to genetically modified crops in other parts of the world may look Quixotic, a refusal to accept a done deal. But it is more than resistance to a type of seed. It is also resistance to a model of agriculture whose failings are all too plain." Verlyn Klinkenborg is a member of the editorial board at the New York Times, where he regularly writes editorial opinions about rural life.

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