
African Countries Unite in Demands for Climate Reparation. By Christophe Parayre, AFP, October 12, 2009. "Africa will demand billions of dollars in compensation from rich polluting nations at a UN climate summit for the harm caused by global warming on the continent, African officials said Sunday. With just two months to go before the UN summit in Copenhagen, officials met at a special forum in Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou where they underscored the need for compensation for the natural disasters caused by climate change. 'For the first time Africa will have a common position,' Africa Union commission chairman Jean Ping told the seventh World Forum on Sustainable Development. 'We have decided to speak with one voice' and 'will demand reparation and damages' at the December summit, Ping said... In a final declaration, the six African heads of state attending the forum said they supported calls for industrialized nations to cut their carbon emissions by 'at least 40%' by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. The declaration also calls for 'relaxing the procedures and softening of conditions for African countries to access the resources of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).' Under the CDM, rich countries that have ratified Kyoto can gain carbon credits from projects that reduce or avert greenhouse gas emissions in poor countries. The Ouagadougou forum, which wrapped up Sunday, was attended by the presidents of Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Congo, Mali and Togo."

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