
'The Economics of 350'. By Juliet Eilperin, WashPost, October 6, 2009. "With enough technological advances, the world could get to a dramatically lower level of greenhouse gas emissions at a cost of between one and three percent of global GDP per year, according to a report [PDF, 60 pp] issued Tuesday by a group of economists. That price tag is in line with previous economic estimates aimed at meeting more modest climate goals. Frank Ackerman, an economist at the Stockholm Environment Institute and Tufts University and the report's lead author, said the study looked at what it would take to meet the recommendations of climate scientists who call for reducing carbon atmospheric concentrations from their current level to 350 parts per million... Kristen Sheeran, who directs a group [promoting the report] called Economists for Equity and Environment, acknowledged the world would need radical technological innovations to achieve the group's ambitious targets."

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