
Google and the Energy Detective Join Forces. By John Collins Rudolf, NY Times, October 7, 2009. "Google's foray into the world of home energy management… took what looked like a substantial step forward on Monday, as the Internet media giant unveiled its partnership with Energy, Inc, maker of the Energy Detective. That device, which allows consumers to monitor their home energy use in real time, has been modified to upload its data via the Internet, where it interacts with Google's PowerMeter -- a free, Web-based program that visualizes power usage via charts and graphs. Homeowners can then view their power usage data using any Web-enabled device -- from laptops to mobile phones. PowerMeter, the first product to emerge out of Google.org, the company's self-described philanthropic division, is part of a larger effort by Google to reduce personal and business energy use by encouraging energy efficiency. Studies and pilot projects have shown that providing consumers with detailed information on energy use can translate into significant gains in energy conservation."

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