
Graham Joins Kerry in Support of Climate Legislation, But Does Not Back Kerry-Boxer Bill. By Lisa Leher, Politico, October 11, 2009. "South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham announced his support for a climate bill this year on Sunday -- but Democrats still face a steep climb to gain broad bipartisan backing for the legislation. Democrats need just a handful of Republicans to get the 60 votes needed to overcome a Senate filibuster -- if they can persuade skeptical coal- and manufacturing-state Democrats to support the bill. But while environmentalists heralded Graham's support as a 'game changer,' any climate bill still faces steep obstacles in the Senate. 'We are also convinced that we have found… a framework for climate legislation to pass Congress,' Graham wrote in a Sunday New York Times op-ed co-authored with Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry. 'It begins now, not months from now -- with a road to 60 votes in the Senate.' But Graham, who is not backing the climate change bill introduced by Kerry and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) last month, admits that getting Republican votes for any climate bill will be a tough sell. 'I'm open for business,' said Graham last week, 'but I'm just one senator.'"

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