
Impact of Oil Photo Exhibit Opens in DC. By Brett Zongker, AP, October 3, 2009. "The first exhibit of 56 large-scale color landscapes from Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky chronicling the impact of oil [3 of the photos] made its debut Saturday at Washington's Corcoran Gallery of Art -- less than a block from the White House. The show, chronicling the world's predominant energy source, can't help carrying a political zing. 'Edward Burtynsky: Oil,' opens at the privately funded museum as Congress is struggling with a climate bill that could include a 'cap and trade' system to reduce greenhouse gases. Critics say it could drive up energy costs…Burtynsky spent 12 years exploring the subject, following past projects on mines, quarries and farming. The images are divided thematically to show how oil is extracted from the earth and how it drives transportation and development. It ends with a frightening thought -- the end of oil."

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