
Kerry Urges Obama to Intensify Push for Climate Bill. By Juliet Eilperin and Michael D. Shear, WashPost, October 12, 2009. "In Washington, advocates are clamoring for more evidence that Obama will make good on his campaign promise to impose the first-ever national cap on greenhouse gases. Last week, the leading author of Senate climate legislation sought personal assurances from Obama during an Oval Office meeting, saying he wanted to 'hear it from him directly' as he pushed ahead. Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) told Obama he needs to direct his administration to be more aggressive in order to get Congress to take steps to limit pollution that contributes to global warming. But Kerry emerged from the meeting saying Obama had pledged closer coordination between the White House and its congressional allies on the issue. 'The bottom line is there's no way to negotiate a bill like this without the involvement of the administration...' Kerry said in an interview."

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