
Lieberman Pushes for More Nuclear Provisions in Climate Bill. By Darren Samuelsohn, E&E News, October 9, 2009, subscription. "Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Thursday that his bipartisan attempt to help the nuclear power industry could yield the handful of votes that Democratic leaders and the Obama administration ultimately need to pass a comprehensive global warming and energy bill in the Senate. Lieberman took the lead this summer in outreach on nuclear power issues, meeting with about 16 Democratic and GOP senators. Lieberman did not name names in his group, but he said that his work may make the difference in the hunt for the 60 votes necessary to defeat an expected Republican filibuster. 'There are clearly some other people in our discussions who probably will never support the bill,' Lieberman said. 'I understand that. They support nuclear power. They'd like to see this be in some other bill, maybe an energy independence bill. But there's a group here who might be turned here toward supporting the overall bill if we get a strong enough nuclear title. 'In the end, as so often happens in the Senate, if you get two, three, four senators to go one way that they hadn't been, it could affect the outcome,' he added."

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