States Rated for Efficiency Standards. By Kate Galbraith, NYTimes, October 21, 2009. "California again claims the prize for most energy-efficient state, while Wyoming is holding steady in last place, according to new rankings from an efficiency advocacy group. Massachusetts has leaped from seventh in last year's rankings to second, and Maine rose from 19th place to crack the top 10 for the first time, according to the survey, which was conducted by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. Rhode Island also broke into the top 10, which is dominated by coastal states -- plus Minnesota. The study assessed several factors, such as utility efficiency programs; building-code policies; appliance standards; and transportation. On transportation, states can earn points for measures such as land-use planning to reduce car use, and also for signing on to join California's efforts to obtain stricter tailpipe emissions rules, though those stricter limits are now being adopted nationally."

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