
Web Site Tracks Europe's Clean Energy Growth. By James Kanter, NYTimes, October 8, 2009. "The European Commission this week introduced an open-access online tool to monitor the development of about a dozen low-carbon technologies in the trade bloc. The commission said its Strategic Energy Technology Plan Information System, offered ways for citizens, researchers, investors and policy makers to map funding for projects in areas including hydropower, wind, photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, wave, geothermal, bioenergy, carbon capture and storage, smart grids, nuclear fission and fusion, hydrogen and fuel cells. A so-called bubble graph maps the current status and the potential of energy technologies between 2010 and 2050, if funding is forthcoming. Another tool, an energy cost calculator, allows users to choose different energy and cost situations to compare the performance of various technologies. The initiative was begun as part of efforts by the commission to raise 50 billion euros of additional investment in crucial low-carbon technologies over the next 10 years." WWF Footprint Calculator. World Wildlife Federation. When you know your footprint and you learn ways of cutting it the challenge of living a more sustainable lifestyle seems possible.

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