Boulder Colorado Voters Reject Green Building Initiative. By Laura Snider, Daily Camera, November 4, 2009. "Boulder County's Climate Smart Loan Program has been such a resounding success in its first year that other Colorado counties, municipalities across the country and even the federal government are seeking to copy it. So the local green building community was shocked after voters on Tuesday turned down Boulder County Ballot Issue 1B, which would have doubled the loan's capacity from $40 million to $80 million. The loan program -- passed by 64 percent of voters last year -- allows the county to sell bonds to finance loans to property owners who want to make energy-efficiency upgrades or add renewable energy to their homes and businesses. The loans are paid back through property assessments, which tie the loans to the buildings and not the owners... So far, the ClimateSmart Loan Program has pumped $9.8 million into the local economy, giving much-needed work during the thick of the recession to local green builders and renewable-energy companies."

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