
Canada Establishes Boreal Forest Preserve Twice Size of California. By Suzanne Goldenberg, Guardian (UK), October 29, 2009. "In the far north latitudes, buried within a seemingly endless expanse of evergreen forests, the authorities in Canada are building up one of the world's best natural defences against global warming. In a series of initiatives, Canadian provincial governments and aboriginal leaders have set aside vast tracts of coniferous woods, wetlands, and peat. The conservation drive bans logging, mining, and oil drilling on some 250 million acres -- an area more than twice the size of California... In the latest addition to the carbon storehouse, the provincial premier of Manitoba, Gary Doer, this month announced a $10 milion Canadian fund to protect a 10.8 milion-acre expanse of boreal or evergreen forest. It was one of Doer's last acts as premier; he took over as Canada's ambassador to Washington this month."

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