
The Cap-and-Trade Mirage. Commentary by Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel, WashPost, October 31, 2009. "The House and Senate climate bills are not a first step in the right direction. They would give away valuable rights in cap-and-trade permits and create a trillion-dollar carbon-offsets market that will not lead to needed reductions. Together, the illusion of greenhouse-gas reductions and the creation of powerful lobbies seeking to protect newly created profits in permits and offsets would lock in climate degradation for a decade or more. The near-term opportunity to create an effective international framework would also be lost." Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel are lawyers with the Environmental Protection Agency. The views expressed here are their own and not those of the EPA. Their discussion paper [PDF, 17 pp], video [10 min] and website further explain support for carbon fees over cap-and-trade.

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