
Ted Glick, CCC Cofounder, Finishes Book and Fasts for Climate Justice. TedGlick.com, December 2009. "Love Refuses to Quit: Climate Change and Social Change in the 21st Century was written primarily in response to the passage of federal climate legislation in the House of Representatives in June of 2009 that was woefully weak. A good case can be made that it would be better to go back to the drawing boards and come up with a different kind of climate legislation than for something like this to be passed by the Senate and signed into law. And it's very likely it will get even worse in the Senate.
Love Refuses to Quit is my personal response to this failure of vision and leadership on the part of the Democrats who control the White House and the U.S. Congress as well as, to be honest, most national environmental groups and the progressive movement generally... Bill McKibben: 'Fascinating reflections on a life spent trying to make this country a better place, and to protect the planet of which it is a part. This is a good reminder of the depth and hardship of these struggles -- thank heaven there are some people who refuse to quit!'" Ted's book can be read or downloaded from his
site. He had been a leading participant in the international Climate Justice Fast, which began on November 6 and ends on December 18, the last day of the Copenhagen Conference.

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