Tens of Thousands March in Copenhagen. By John Helprin, AP, December 12, 2009. "Tens of thousands of protesters marched through the chilly Danish capital and nearly 1,000 were detained Saturday in a mass rally to demand an ambitious global climate pact, just as talks hit a snag over rich nations' demands on China and other emerging economies. The mostly peaceful demonstrations in Copenhagen provided the centerpiece of a day of day of global climate action stretching from Europe to Asia. Police assigned extra officers to watch protesters marching toward the suburban conference center to demand that leaders act now to fight climate change. Police estimated their numbers at 40,000, while organizers said as many as 100,000 had joined the march from downtown Copenhagen. It ended with protesters holding aloft candles and torches as they swarmed by night outside the Bella Center where the 192-nation U.N. climate conference is being held. There have been a couple of minor protests over the past week, but Saturday's was by far the largest. Police said they rounded up 968 in a preventive action against a group of youth activists at the tail end of the demonstration. Officers in riot gear moved in when some of the activists, masking their faces, threw cobblestones through the windows of the former stock exchange and Foreign Ministry buildings." More on the Global Day of Action and the December 12 candlelight vigils: Global Climate Campaign, 350.org, tcktcktck.org.

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