
Architects Plan Amphibious Landscape for New York. By Nathaniel Gronewald, ClimateWire, January 11, 2010. "What would New York's waterfront look like after a sea level rise of 2 feet or more? Most officials paint a nightmare scenario -- huge swaths of expensive real estate permanently flooded, with frequent storms and the resultant storm surge routinely forcing mass evacuations every few years. But several architects are now painting a more positive picture, and their visions for a post-climate-change new New York have city planners interested... The Museum of Modern Art and its affiliate P.S.1, an art exhibition house... asked five separate architectural teams to come up with plans for transforming the metropolitan area's coastlines after warmer oceans and melting Antarctic ice have raised global sea levels... The new exhibit, titled Rising Currents: Projects for New York's Waterfront, will run from March 24 to Aug. 9 at the Museum of Modern Art."

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