
Both Sides Gird for Bruising Senate Debate Over EPA Amendment. By Darren Samuelsohn, Greenwire, January 8, 2010. "Senate climate legislation advocates are bracing for a floor battle this month over a Republican campaign that they fear could drag down efforts to pass a major global warming bill before the real legislative debate can start. Republican Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has the green light to offer an amendment on the Senate floor as soon as Jan. 20 that is aimed at halting U.S. EPA regulations on climate change. Democratic leaders agreed late last month to let Murkowski have the roll call during debate over separate legislation to raise the federal debt ceiling... That the chances of actually stopping EPA global warming rules are minimal, given large Democratic majorities on Capitol Hill and the need for President Obama's signature. But... the floor debate over Murkowski's amendment will come at a critical stage in the broader campaign to enact legislation limiting greenhouse gas emissions across most major sectors of the U.S. economy. Prospects for that bill are in flux amid growing doubt that there are 60 Senate votes to pass such a sweeping new environmental initiative at the same time lawmakers work on other controversial Obama administration priorities, all the while campaigning for midterm elections in November."

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